Veterinary Thermal imaging
Veterinary thermal imaging fills a gap in clinical assessment tools.
It shows the animal's physiological state by graphically mapping skin surface temperature in response to changes in blood flow.
In healthy animals, the thermal pattern on the skin is usually symmetrical.
Anatomical imaging, such as x-ray, lacks specificity and fails in the ability to see soft tissue conditions. Physiological imaging, such as digital thermal imaging has the ability to not only see tissue conditions but can also recognize areas that are indicative to anatomical issues.
Since animals can't speak, it has been difficult for caretakers, trainers, and veterinarians to truly identify hidden or masked conditions.
Now with thermal imaging, many of these physiological and anatomical issues are exposed at a much earlier stage.
Early detection = early prevention.

Side profile thermal image of horse right side as part of a fully body assessment.

Thermal image of two front hooves

Thermal image looking for lameness. Showing imbalance of hoof and inflammation at the coronet band.

Side profile thermal image of horse right side as part of a fully body assessment.
General Veterinary Uses
• Facial pain related to tooth or jaw problems
• Poor circulation
• Joint and musculoskeletal problems
• Soft tissue problems
• Asymmetrical use of the body
• Address issues which may lead to chronic problems
Injury Recovery
• Observing how injury responds to treatment modality
• Muscle tears, strains, & bruises
• Underlying issues: secondary, tertiary, & compensatory problems
• Sore or painful back in horses.
• Check for a poor or well fitted saddle
• Balance of foot, balance in shoes
• Sore or painful back.
• Check for a poor or well fitted saddle
Prevention & Underlying Issues
in foot
• Hot foot due to infection or bruising
• Locating area of abscess or bruising
• Optimize soundness monitoring
• Earlier detection of negative changes
• Locating underlying issues
• Reviewing response to training/work
• Noticing one sidedness or favoring of leg
• Observing how horse’s body responds to work